
Laser Clinics LondonLaser Clinics LondonLaser Clinics London

Complaints Procedure

At KClinics, we work to provide the highest quality of service and care to all our clients. However, if you have a complaint, we have a clear, comprehensive, and standardised complaints policy available to all clients.

How to Submit a Complaint

You can submit a complaint within 6 months of the procedure or purchase of a service\product. If the issue becomes apparent only after this time frame due to exceptional circumstances, this must be duly justified for further consideration.

Please where possible include the following information which will allow us to best understand and investigate your complaint in a timely manner:

– A description of the issue: Does it complain about services, clinical care, products or other aspects?

– Who or what has caused your concerns. If you are complaining about a member of staff, give their name and position (if you know it).

– Where and when the incident occurred.

– What actions you have already taken, if any.

– The outcome you expect.

– Any evidence, such as photos, documents, or correspondence.

You can submit your complaint:

– By email info@kclinics.co.uk or by post to the clinic.

We will not delay the process, even if your complaint is made verbally or electronically. It will be immediately registered and processed.

Complaint Procedure
  1. Acknowledgment of Receipt

We will send you a written acknowledgment of your complaint within 2 working days.

  1. Preliminary Review

The complaints manager will review your case to determine if it meets the threshold for investigation.

– If it does not meet the criteria, you will receive a notice of closure within 7 working days, with no further action taken.

  1. Investigation

– If the complaint meets the criteria, it will be referred to an independent manager not involved in your case.

– For clinical complaints, our medical director or external experts (e.g., equipment manufacturers) may be involved to provide insights.

– The investigation will include a review of your evidence, statements from all involved parties, and compliance with clinic standards.

  1. Timeline for Resolution

We aim to provide a final response to your complaint within 8 weeks of receipt. If the process requires additional time, you will be notified with an explanation and a revised timeline for resolution.

  1. Final Response

Our final response will include a detailed explanation of our decision, reasons for it, and, where applicable, the method of calculating any compensation offered.

Quick Resolution of Complaints

Complaints that can be resolved within 3 working days will be considered closed upon agreement with the client. You will receive a written confirmation of this resolution in the form of a “Summary Resolution Communication.”

Appealing the Outcome

If you are not satisfied with the final response, you may file an appeal within 10 working days by: 

– Writing a letter outlining the aspects of the decision you disagree with.

– Providing any new evidence to support your appeal.

The appeal will be reviewed by an independent expert who was not involved in the initial complaint process.

External Bodies

If the appeal does not meet your expectations, you may contact the following organizations:

– Citizens Advice: [www.citizensadvice.org.uk](http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk).

– Financial Ombudsman Service (if the complaint involves financial aspects): You must refer your case within 6 months of receiving the final decision.

Closing the Complaint

A complaint will be considered closed once the final decision has been communicated. This does not affect your right to contact external bodies if you are dissatisfied with the outcome.

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